Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Transcript: 6/25/2013

TOPIC: What are your go-to tools for organizing writing/illustrating/life online? What do you wish someone would invent? 


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Transcript: 6/18/2013

TOPIC: Start at the beginning! Share tips for nailing your story's opening.


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Transcript: 6/11/2013

TOPIC: Common core: good for content providers/creators? Are you assessing the possibilities?

Hello, #kidlitchat followers,

Transcripts are back! We hope.

We are experimenting this week with Storify. While it is possible to embed the Storify-generated transcripts here on the blog, the free option picks up some unwanted add-ons--so, for now, we'll be directing you to the #kidlitchat Storify account page: http://storify.com/kidlitchat/kidlitchat-6-11-13

Let us know how this works for you via the comments section below.

Bonnie and Greg

p.s. If any of you have tried another reliable, free, transcript-generating service, please speak up!